Top 5 Low-Maintenance Freshwater Fish for Beginners


Discovering the ideal fish for your new freshwater aquarium might be difficult if you’re a beginner. What you truly need is something that can withstand the aspects, is affordable, has a special design, and will attract attention. Though establishing and caring for an aquarium may be lengthy, some fish make the process much easier. Here are our top 5 suggested fish in no particular order for low-maintenance beginners who would grow in your fish tank.

Types of Freshwater Fish

Are you a beginner in the world of raising pet fish? Having so many options available might seem overwhelming at first. In this article, we will examine some types of freshwater fish that are suitable as pets for both novice and skilled aquarists (fish keepers).


You can usually find the beautiful beta fish in little bowls at your local pet store. They are very low maintenance, and their long, colorful fins can be any shade of red, purple, or blue. The only issue with owning a Betta fish is that they must be kept alone because males would kill each other if they were united, and females are hard to come by in pet stores. They do not get along with other kinds of pet fish since other fish like to bite on their long fins.


Supplying a large enough tank for your goldfish makes taking care of them a breeze. Because of their excessive waste production, goldfish and other small aquarium inhabitants won’t last long in containers holding less than 10 gallons of water. And waste lowers the amount of oxygen in the water. There needs to disappear than one or two goldfish for every 10 gallons of well-filtered aquarium water.

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Zebra Danios

Zebra danios are durable fish that might be kept in fish tanks of any dimension. The water in their tank should be maintained at a regular temperature of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit, as these fish belong to the tropical family. Don’t get just one Zebra Danio– a school of five or more is even more enjoyable. They are generally discovered in pet shops and agree with most other peaceful tropical fish.

Platys and Swordtails

As a result of their similar appearances and almost equal demands, platys and swordtails are in the same category. These bright orange and red tropical fish are available at most pet stores. Position them in a 10-gallon aquarium with water maintained at 72 degrees Fahrenheit, and you’ll have no problems. And they’re flawlessly happy to swim along with any other peaceful tropical fish. Platys and Swordtails are two fish that regularly breed in aquariums. Since they are livebearers, their fry (babies) start swimming right after birth.


An extra durable and low-maintenance fish choice is the corydoras. They are a very active kind of catfish and spend most of their time consuming any food scraps by swimming down the tank’s bottom. They are tropical fish and call for a tank temperature of at least 72 degrees Fahrenheit to survive. They do well in storage tanks with a range of tropical fish and appear to flourish in at least three groups.

These fish are best for beginners because they are hardy, low-maintenance, and widely offered at pet stores.

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